Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 5.1!!! 
Five weeks and one day! Wow. Since my last post, I struggled. Sleep was not had, mood dipped very low, felt very agitated. Now, I felt lucky because knowledge is power. I knew that this was all part of the process - of withdrawal from the codeine, four weeks on from recovery, feelings of "stuckness", but even knowing that, its still not been easy. I was terrified that I was going to slip back into depression and anxiety, but I also worked at staying in the moment, and remembering that there were a lot of elements to how I was feeling. I made a pact with myself that if the low mood continued for more than 2 weeks I would go to see my GP. 
But the past few days have been so much better. I have spoken to friends and family and Ive been out for coffee, and been to a supermarket - that was great!! 

Pain wise I'm absolutely fine. The odd twinges around the site of the tendon transfer, so Im hoping that there aren't any problems, but I'm sure its fine. 

So, not much else to talk about. Still I would say, I have no regrets having had this done. Its a long old haul, a lot of patience needed, ups and downs, but being prepared and having the knowledge of what you are going into is key. You will never be 100% ready even knowing all this, and to be honest, I thought this time would be so much easier because Ive done it before, but no, I actually think Ive found it harder. 

Only 6 days left of the cast...... thank goodness!!!! 


  1. Clarissa, thanks for posting. I had my PTTD surgery on 8/8 so 5 days after you and your blog made me feel much better about my recovery! I still cant walk at all and am not allowed to put weight on and that's the hardest part by far. I am also so tired all the time. You? I have been off pain meds for about a week + now as I am not in pain just frusterated and uncomfortable. How are you dealing with work? Also, last time, how long before you could drive? Right now I just want to walk but trying to be positive!!

    1. Hi Jennifer. I seem to remember that I was driving at about 14 weeks?? But this time things seem a bit different! Also, Im currently not working. I lost my job after the last surgery, and havent been able to work since because I was in so much pain waiting for this one to be done. Do stay positive, you will get there, but you need patience. Its not easy!!!
