Wednesday, July 1, 2015


So, how was June? 
Well, recovery is moving in the right direction, albeit so very very slowly. Im fully out of the boot now for a good while. Im also only using my crutch when Im due to walk any distance, or if my feet are hurting particularly. 
I have to admit that Ive sunk into a bit of a depression in the past few weeks. While its all well and good 'knowing' that this is a long slow recovery process, the reality of it is a lot different, and quite a bit harder to deal with. 
I find it hard to be motivated to do my physio, but I do do it (not as much as I should, but Im working at it). 
One of the things that has gotten me into a bit of a spin is the invitation to a wedding in a months time. I know that my foot/feet will not cope with any sort of pressure - but I can wear trainers with a nice dress up outfit either. Im not sure what Im going to do..... Ive been contemplating wearing trousers and a top so I can get away with supportive shoes. I find this side of it all quite depressing. My wardrobe choices are based on track suit bottoms, leggings with a long top, and the odd pair of jeans. All to suit my footwear!!! 

But thats cosmetic..... Im getting there. The scars are nearly invisible. I really did look after them well, massaging them, etc. I still have to wear a soft sock at night as the top of the foot is still sensitive when it gets touched, but again, Im massaging that as often as possible. It may be lasting nerve damage, but hopefully not. I get quite a bit of pain when Im on my feet for any length of time, especially across the top of the foot (more so than the tendon area), but again, I am hoping that with time and physio this will fade away. 

I was worrying that I had damaged my tendon again... when you look at my feet, the right foot still has a "flat" look to it. But I went to see a physiotherapist recently, and she assured me that it was fine looking and that I was doing really well for the stage Im at, which was very reassuring. 

So, thats the latest on the journey of the frankenfoot! I still dont regret having had it done. I can actually feel I have an arch when I walk barefooted which is amazing, and such a treat!