Saturday, May 2, 2015

Week 10

So, week ten, moving into week 11.
Physically I'm doing as well as expected. Moving forward. I saw my surgeon last Monday, and he is happy with progression. I now have to start the next phase - learning how to walk again. This involves a very long slow process.
Let me explain - because the operation involves not only bones, but tendons, there is a very lengthy recovery. I was at physiotherapy on Thursday and she explained it to me quite well - tendons need to be tricked into change. They don't like change - they fight against it - with high pain. When you have had surgery to correct tendon damage, firstly, tendons have limited blood supply - which means they take a lot longer to heal. Secondly, when the foot has been altered - as in reconstructive surgery, all the muscles and tendons will have been changed into different positions. All this culminates into the fact that after surgery for PTTD, it takes anywhere up to a year before the foot is comfortable with what has gone on.
Thankfully, I knew all this, BUT, saying that, knowing is very different to living it. It is extremely frustrating.... I still cannot drive. I get pain after just 10/15 mins walking around the house in "normal" footwear. The rest of my body suffers - back ache, hips, muscles spasming in my legs, and general exhaustion after doing anything that consists of normal day to day living. Even going out to do the weekly supermarket shop with help has me huffing and puffing with tiredness.
It cannot be easy on those around me. Of course, most peoples experience of surgeries/broken bones, etc are that the person is generally up and about after 6-8 weeks. The fact that this surgery is so major, does escape most peoples knowledge of recovery... it is definitely not a surgery that is undertaken easily. Its funny, but all the post op stuff was so much easier to handle than this stage. I want to be driving again, I want to be able to do things that don't end up in me having to take near bed rest for the following few days - an example of this was last Thursday. I had bought a replacement bedside locker - my old one was falling apart. I decided that this was something I could do sitting on the side of the bed - so I set about swapping over drawer contents. This led to me tidying up around that locker, and then, I decided that my chest of drawers needed sorting. I cannot describe to you how good this felt for me to be able to do - mentally - physically, my foot/feet were screaming by the time I went and got into the shower. That was the afternoon I went for my first physio, and she couldn't actually do much with me as I was in so much pain. Yes, I had overdone it. Just that hour or so of decluttering and tidying left me in a lot of pain for the next few days.
The swelling is also frustrating. It might not look like my foot is swollen, but when I go to put it into a shoe - ouchy. And as the top of my foot is quite nervy and sensitive, it is unpleasant. That is the only other thing - I have to wear a sock at all times as the nerves are not a nice sensation. Its not sore - by any means - its just, not nice.

BUT, saying all that, I am definitely noticing small improvements each and every day. I can now get around with one crutch if I really need to - and if I am in my boot, I can go crutch free to a certain extent. My range of movement (ROM) has vastly improved, and I'm doing my exercises diligently... with lots of massage with Skin Therapy Oil (I love the Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula one - don't like Bio-oil). I can take Brufen again (Its a no no for a lot of orthopedic surgeons post surgery) and it does help with my other foot. I have started an online course, to keep me occupied.
So, my goal for the next fortnight is to get driving again. My surgeon told me that I can drive when I feel confident that I can put my foot down hard. As I drive an automatic this should be soon enough. Maybe a small drive to a shop will be my first test.

So, there you go. Nearly week 11 already. I have to say, this time has absolutely flown by even though it drags. Nearly 3 months.... Wow.

And here it is..... 10 weeks post op... my lovely new foot!!!! 


  1. Wow. Im week 11 today. Your xray looks like mine. Im still on a knee cruiser, trying to use a walker and still in a boot.
    2 weeks ago my surgeon gave me clearance to start using the walker. He said i may not need the walker st all after 1 week. Well i can't tolerate the pressure on my foot or the weakness after 2 weeks. Im very frustrated over this as ive always been so active. Im not sure my foot likes the 6 screws and plate. I go back to surgeon 1 week from today and have a feeling i wont be any more improved. Ive been pretty positive up to this point but getting frustrated now. I know theres light at the end of this tunnel and it sure has been hopeful reading others posts.

  2. I'm 11 weeks post surgery and I can just about walk without the boot and without a cane. But only for five minutes or so. My ankle does swell up dramatically. But I feel things are improving daily. I am going to start driving tomorrow. Fortunately the surgery was on my left foot so an automatic will, hopefully, be fine. I should be weaned out of the boot in a week or so but, as you say, it is a long process and I doubt I will be fully back to normal for another 3 months or so.
