Sunday, November 13, 2016

WEEK 14/15 of PTTD recovery!!!

Hi there. So, its about 4 weeks since I posted. Apologies but thanks to a little reminder on Insta!! 

So, having just passed week 14, how am I doing? 

  • I went back to see my consultant at week 12. Unfortunately he was actually off for 2 weeks, and because I had/have been having problems with the tendon area, so the surgeon from the surgical team decided to ask me to come back in 2 weeks to see the main man. 
  • This I did on the Wed just passed, and to cut a long story short, the "hardware", ie, the pins etc are all looking fine on the x-ray, but there is concern with the pain I am having in my tendon area, so he has referred me for an MRI. That hopefully will be in the next few weeks. I was a little bit confused tbh, as they sent me down to physio before I went, and they have advised that I start to go without the boot - wean myself off it she said. Now, they have also said to go easy until they know what is going on with the tendon. Hand on heart, the pain is the same burning searing pain that I was having pre surgery. The thing is, I can actually compare, as having had the other foot done, I know that I didnt have the same pain. In fact, I never had any awful pain in the tendon. Only a bit after doing physio. This pain is one that has actually got me back taking codeine - which as I said before, I am very wary of. But Im being careful about how much Im taking. Bit depressing to be honest, but you know, what will be will be and absolutely nothing I can do at the moment, apart from following what Ive been told. 
  • The foot looks great. But OMG, the nervy sensations around the cotton osteotomy is horrible. I know it will die down, but I am still wearing a soft sock all the time - day and night. Cant bear the feel of anything touching it. 
  • The part on the bottom of my heel where the pins are gets a bit tingly, but in a different way - like the nerves are attaching. I can deal with that. 
  • I know all this sounds a bit depressing and to be honest, Im in that horrible zone where all the surgical stuff is healed, but now, its about building up the strength in the foot. Because of the tendon pain, its dragging a bit. I feel the foot has fallen in a bit. Makes me feel a bit sad tbh. Its like, what next. Am I going to be in pain forever. Oh I just dont know. I remember, and after reading back over the last blog, I know that it was a tough time then. That gives me a bit of relief. 
  • I am driving again - the past 3 weeks? Oh the sense of freedom. Its blooming fantastic. Being able to just go out the door and nip to the shop. Priceless. (have an automatic car so no need to use the left foot!!). 
  • Im really set on working on my weight now. I know full well that its going to help take some pressure off my feet. I cant wait to be able to get back swimming. Just looking forward to being weightless in the pool!!! 
So, there are some bulletpoints of what is going on at this stage. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Especially if you think there is something Ive missed!!! 

I really appreciate knowing that this stuff is helping some of you out there. I know it sounds a bit negative but again I say, Im still 100% happy that Ive had it done. 

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