Monday, March 9, 2015

DAY 19

Today is Monday. This Wednesday it will be three weeks post op.

To follow on from last weeks blog, I was getting ready to see my foot for the first time, and get a hard cast put on.
Looking back, from where I am today, I suppose I personally would say the first 2 weeks were actually the easiest. Having the cast change as a marker at 2 weeks was something to aim for. Getting used to being NWB (non weight bearing), recovering from surgery, still having the smiley pain meds, etc, it was all a bit of a bubble.
Then, last Wednesday, I travelled to get my hard cast on. It is a 2 hour journey, and I sat in the back, with foot propped on pillows, etc. Unfortunately I hadnt thought ahead, and suffered terrible car sickness all the way up. My poor Mum driving in the front, and having to listen to my groans!
We arrived, and I went to the allotted day ward where a nurse removed the dressings and VOILA, there was my beautifully coloured, black and blue frankenfoot!!!! Now, I have to say, I am not squeemish in the slightest so I was looking forward to this so much. I actually was so happy to see it, with all the scars it held. I was proud to see this fine foot, not too much swelling, and with a new look to it!!!
The surgeon came around, and had a look, saying - "ah yes, you had the works!". He too was very happy with it all. I then asked him, um, can you now put me on the surgical list for my other foot - to which he had a look, and said, yes, especially with the waiting times for the surgery!!!

I then had a cuppa and a slice of bread to settle my stomach. The hospital kindly gave me an anti nausea tablet, and I was feeling so much better.

Then, i was wheeled down to the theatre, where they do casts, and had my new, bright orange cast applied. Not my color of choice, but she didnt have any purple left! She had to put the foot at a different angle - more like a "standing" angle, which hurt, but the nurse explained why - and I accepted that it might be sore for a day or two.

I then went back up to the ward where my Mum was waiting, got changed, and we left. Thankfully the car sickness had abated for the journey home, enough so that we actually stopped and had a bite to eat - my first outing in public with my knee scooter!!!! Very proud I was!!!

I have to say, I really was utterly exhausted by the time we got home. I fell into bed, and got the foot elevated quickly as possible.

Then, that night, I got the most awful, tears to the eyes pain. I took an oxy, which helped, and by the next morning it had abated.

Unfortunately, I also woke up with a dreaded stomach bug - nausea/vommiting/ and migraine from hell. This all of course meant I couldnt keep any pain meds down, so the day went by with trying to take something, take anti nauseas, take paracetamol, back up again an hour later, and so on and so on. I will say no more about it because it really was an horrific day.

The next day, I felt a modicum better, if not very fragile in all ways. I decided it was the day to start cutting out the coedine and see how I managed. Im proud to say, I did, only taking one that night before bed.

I woke up again on Sat morning feeling "ewww" again. Im not sure whether its opiate hangover, or a combination of that and the remenants of the bug, but yes, nauseus again, so took another anti nausea tablet and within half an hour I did feel better.

In fact, this was the day I decided to start pushing myself physically a bit more. I got up, had a small breakfast, went for a spin around on my knee scooter, chatted in kitchen with my Mum, then rested a bit. I then got up for dinner, and sat with foot elevated, and watched TV. I did feel better for all this.

Sunday, again, I got up and made my own breakfast (still a bit nauseas- another anti sickness tab) - fried egg on toast, and coffee, which were divine. I then went for a spin down the driveway, out into the fresh air. It was lovely, and did me the world of good mentally!! I was EXHAUSTED again though!!!
I did stay up and about more than the day before, and interacted and socialized, and it was really lovely to sit with the family for dinner.

Pain wise, its managable. Sometimes it does get me where I have a little ouchy, but it really is bearable, and this is such a relief to me. What I am starting to find a bit tough is the post op blues. Thankfully, I have been well prepped about them, and have my little cry, but then move on. I do feel quite vulnerable at the moment, and that doesnt help - not because Im on my own, but because I feel so out of control to such a large extent. On the other hand, knowledge is power, and having done so much research, I was prepared for a lot of what is happening and how Im feeling. I get that in the first 2 weeks, youre still on a bit of a high, drugs wise, and relief at getting over the surgery! Now there is a 4 week chasm spanning till the next appointment, so it feels a bit like an anticlimax in a way. But Im a positive thinker, and I know I will get through all this. Life also presents obstacles, problems, etc outside of the surgery, AND me!!! (No, I do realise, its not all about me!!!!!).

I am trying now to fill my day, and have a bit of plan to it - Physio exercises, mindfulness, reading, Netflix, Im getting up and about and socialising more with my Mum and Stepfather, and my daughter.

This week hopefully sees me return home to my own house. I feel quite strange about it, but miss  home and  miss my partner as well - (in an odd way!) and of course my animals!

I have added some pictures of my foot, so be warned if you find you are squeemish!!!

outside tendon repair

PTT graft

cotton osteotomy

calcaneal osteotomy

after surgery dressing

hard cast

site of pins


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