Thursday, January 12, 2017


Thought it was about time that I updated. Anyone who has had this surgery done will know that its a lot of "no news" at this stage, hence the lack of posting. 

I had the MRI done to check out what was causing the pain that I was experiencing. Although I still havent had an appointment with the consultant about the results, when I attended the physiotherapist last week, she was able to give me a bit if info. 

First of all I will do as I did before!! A few bulletpoints! 

  • Im going to talk in terms of months now rather than weeks - so we are at 5 months post op. 
  • Ive had 3 physio appointments so far since the last post. Im not sure if she or I can see much improvement but I will be totally honest. Im fairly shite at doing my physio. Yes, Im ashamed to say that. You'd think being in pain would make me more focused on doing it, but heres the thing - it freaking hurts. She has urged me strongly to do more pool work - ie non weight bearing - which makes sense as I AM overweight - (something which she pointed out to me at our last session - no shit sherlock). I know for a fact that my weight doesnt help my feet - but I am making a good effort to lose the weight, and have told her this. I seem to get a lot of pain in my big toe when doing tippy toe exercises... and just the whole foot and leg feels so weak. 
  • The nervy feeling has really abated thank goodness. I now sleep sockless, and it really doesnt bother me. Its not totally free of the nervy sensation but it really is more than bearable. 
  • The foot still looks like it has "fallen" in. What was I expecting? Beautiful arched feet? Well, quite frankly yes.... I still look like I have flat feet, which makes me feel sad, but on the other hand, going by my right foot (Feb 2015 so nearly 2 years on), although I havent got beautiful feet, it will give me back a quality of mostly pain free life that I havent had for at least 5 years. 
  • The physio told me that the MRI results show a lot of swelling in the marrow of the bone that had the surgery done, and went on to tell me that in all fairness, Im not even half way through healing yet. It may all look fine and dandy on the outside, but there is still a lot of healing going on in the inside. She gave out to me for doing too much, but lordy, its difficult not to. Too much is doing a supermarket shop and tidying around my small house - then Ive over done it... thats what doing too much is. It is so very frustrating. At this stage, expectations from everyone, including myself are high - too high. 

Here are a few pictures to show what I mean. 

front view
See! Not a pretty foot!!! 

Tendon transfer site - Really great healing though - you can barely see the scar! 

So you can see - the tendon from the big toe joint looks a bit odd. 

Calcaneal Osteotomy site scar. 

As you can see - they still look pronated, but the left one looks worse. 
  • Am I happy so far?? Yes, definitely. I am very lucky that I have the time and space into healing. I really dont know what I would have done if I had had to go back to work. 
If you have ANY questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Leave a message and I will try and answer as best as possible.